
Restoration of our vintage trailers. 1967 Airstream (Midge), 1957 Silver Streak, and 1961 Holiday House.

Projectmidge project :)

I found an old Halliburton Train Case in the bowels of my closet.  I was digging around back there looking for something – I can’t remember what it was and never did find it – and stumbled across this train case.  This belonged to my husband’s aunt in Comanche, OK.  I assume my husband’s father (her brother) bought this for her.  His dad worked for Halliburton for years and years.  It was so long ago, that he was employee number 36!  That is a LONG time ago.  He knew Earl P. Halliburton, the founder of the gigantic corporation!  Pretty cool, Huh?  This train case is probably from the 1940’s.

I intended to try and polish the exterior like the Airstream, but decided against it.  I wasn’t sure it was even possible, and didn’t want to risk ruining it.  I cleaned the years of gunk off of it and it looks pretty good!

If you click on the pictures, they will open up in a larger format :).

The interior was lined with red vinyl.  I tried to clean it, but did not have much luck.  Some of the straps, etc. were torn.  Did you know that old makeup has a VERY strong odor?  Good lord.  The smell on the interior of this thing was incredible!  Even after I stripped out the old vinyl!  I let some “odo-ban” sit in it for a day or two, and it helped quite a bit.  It was not a bad smell, just fancy old lady smell, and Auntie Jeanne was definitely FANCY!

I tore out the old vinyl and relined it with some matching fabric from Midge.  It is really stinking cute.  It is going to come in handy for trips to the showers at the campsite 🙂

That was a quick and easy project!

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Scotfest with Midge in Estes Park!

I am finally posting about our trip to Estes Park in September!  We  were there during Scotfest 2014, Sept. 4th – 7th, and it was so much fun!!

I don’t have many pictures of Midge, unfortunately.  We were at the festival most of the time, and the campsite wasn’t very picturesque :(. More on that later.

If you’ve never been to Scotfest, you really need to check it out.   We arrived in Estes Park on Thursday, set up camp, then headed to the festival for the opening “Tattoo”.  It was one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen!  It was foggy and started raining – very much like Scotland!  We were in the covered grandstand, but the poor pipe bands were performing in a pretty heavy downpour.   It was a sea of kilts and pipes!  Can you ever have enough of either?  Not me.  All of the bands were fantastic, but my favorites were the 1st Battalion Scots Guard Pipes and Drums and the 1st Division Marine Corps Band.

Here are some pictures and a video of the Tattoo.  Not the best quality, I apologize.

Estes Park Tattoo

Estes Park Tattoo

Estes Park Tattoo....rain!

Estes Park Tattoo….rain!

Royal Scottish Piper

Royal Scottish Piper

This is a video of the bands performing together.  They played “Patton’s Theme” and “Band of Brothers Theme”. It was awe inspiring.  So beautiful!  Please excuse the amateur filming.

This awesome blog post continued HERE!

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