
Restoration of our vintage trailers. 1967 Airstream (Midge), 1957 Silver Streak, and 1961 Holiday House.

Holiday Rambler Door Project, part 1

on May 2, 2014

Well, you know how I mentioned I had a plan for our hideous door?  I think it worked out well, and it is a huge improvement.

I bought a lot of vintage 1960’s road maps on EBay for $9.00, foam applicators and some Mod Podge at Walmart.  I bought 2 of the large containers, but 1 was plenty.  When it comes to Walmart trips, the fewer the better.  I did not want to risk having to make an extra trip.   I just really dread going there, and I’m not even sure why.


Doors Supplies:  Maps, Mod Podge, Scissors, Foam Applicators

Door Supplies: Maps, Mod Podge, Scissors, Foam Applicators

This is what I started with:

Ugly Door. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Ugly Door. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I cleaned the door really well and scuffed it up with a cheap sanding block from Harbor Freight.  I’m talking about the kind of sanding block that will irreparably harm anything it touches.   It came in a pack of 10 for $3.00.  Awful, awful sanding blocks.  I am really pleased that I found a use for them!  Scuffing up this eyesore of a door was really quite enjoyable.  Once that was done, I played with the lay out of the maps and cut them into the pieces I needed.  I then applied the Mod Podge and started placing the map pieces where I needed them.  Do one piece at a time.  When adhered, apply Mod Podge on top.  Keep doing this until done.  I know.  That sounds so easy!  And, it is really easy, but time consuming because of the positioning and cutting of the map pieces.  I wanted certain parts of the map to show… the entire Colorado map (where we live), the Nebraska map (where I am from), the Rocky Mountain National Park map (where we like to camp), etc…you know what I mean.

This is 1/2 way done:

Door 1/2 done

Door 1/2 done

I had a bit of trouble getting the bubbles out of the larger map pieces.  After wrestling with them, and cursing my unborn children, I realized the bubbles looked kind of neat. Like TOPOGRAPHY!  Once that realization hit me, things proceeded much quicker.

This is where I finished up today:

Door almost done, just needs a few more coats.

Door almost done, just needs a few more coats.

Closer view of door.

Closer view of door.

I need to apply several more coats of Mod Podge.  I might seal it with polyurethane.  Not sure yet.  Dear Husband has not replaced the window yet.  obviously, I got impatient.  When the new window is in, it will look great! Once completely finished, I will post a picture.  The door is not perfect, but I can live with it, and now we don’t need to worry abouIt buying a new one any time soon.

We have some little projects for Midge that we are working on, too.  We have not forgotten about her!  I will update with her updates as soon as they are done.  I love her so.

Addendum:  I meant to add these pictures last summer, but forgot!  These are from our trip to Mt. Princeton.  I made a screen protector out of some left over aluminum and Mod Podged the remnants of my maps to it.  My little rug rat dogs really enjoy destroying screen doors.  It serves a great purpose and is crazy cute, if I do say so.  My husband is kind of worried about the Mod Podge crush I have going on.

Mod Podged Screen Protector

Mod Podged Screen Protector

Mod Pdged Screen Protector

Mod Pdged Screen Protector